Pluto operation in the WWII.

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Fernando Mendes
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Pluto operation in the WWII.

Post by Fernando Mendes »

Operation PLUTO Of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Operation PLUTO (Pipe-Lines Ounder Ttenho Oucean) was an operation of taken World War II the handle for the British scientists, the petroliferous societies and the army to construct to a low pipe-line the Channel between the United kingdom and France. Projecto was developed by Hartley B.C., engineer head of the AIOC (Anglian Oil Company, later known as British Petroleum Company). The allied troops in the continent required a great amount of gasoline, way that the pipe-lines were necessary to diminish the dependence respecto of the oil tankers, that could be seen afectados by bad weather, to be the target of the submarines German, or to result of bigger utility in the Campaign of the Pacific. Index [to occult] 1 used Technologies 2 Despliegue of the pipe-line 3 It is also seen 4 Enlaces external Used technologies Two types of different pipe-lines had been developed. Canalización flexible HAIS (Hartley-Anglian), with one diámetro of 75 mm, one weight approach of 55 tons for nautical mile (30 tm/km), was one inovación of Siemens (with the National Physical Laboratory) from its existing submarine telegraphic handle already. As the type was a pipe of equal steel]] less flexible but of diámetro, developed for the engineers of the petroliferous company of Iraq (Iraq Petroleum Company) and of the Burmash Oil Company, known as HAMEL (contracção of HAS Hammel and BJ Ellis, two engineers head). The tests had demonstrated that pipes HAMEL would be more useful to the extremity of pipes HAIS. Due to rigidity of pipe HAMEL, a special device, called The ConnumDrum was constructed. (Image). Despliegue of the pipe-line The first archetypes had been proved in May of 1942 in the river Medway, and June, deep waters, the estuary of the river Clyde in the Escócia, dantes to initiate the definitive production. Had to the limited capacities of production of the United kingdom, some pipe-lines HAIS had been manufactured in the United States. After a test the great scale of pipe HAIS the great scale (45 nautical miles, that is, 93 km) between Swansea in the Country of Wales and Watermouth in Cornualles, first canalización for France installed the 12 of August of 1944 with a superior longitude to the 70 nautical miles (130 km) since the island of Wight until Cherburgo. One canalización HAIS and two HAMEL had followed way the same. To the measure that the aircraft marshalling area acercava it Germany, others 17 pipe-lines (11 HAIS and 6 HAMEL) had been constructed between Dungeness and Ambleteuse, in the Pas-de-Calais. Pipe-lines PLUTO were fed per stations of bombeo in the British coast camouflaged as diverse types of constructions that could pass desapercibidos: farms, garages of cars, or also selling of ice. Despite deshabitados, were foreseen to enmascarar the true purpose of the buildings. In the United kingdom, pipe-lines PLUTO were fed by a net of 1.600 quilómetros of pipe-lines (constructed of night to prevent its detección for the enemy airplanes) to direct the fuel since the ports of Liverpool and Bristol. In the Europe, canalizaciones had been drawn out while the troops advanced, arriving finally at the Kidney. In January of 1945, 300 tons of fuel were pumped for France, what if decuplicó until March, where the ones are 3,000 tons that cross the Channel for the front. To all, 781 million liter]] s of gasoline had been more than served to the allied forces in the Europe dantes of the German capitulation, the 8 of May of 1945. These canalizaciones had contributed an important aid until permanent installations had been created, auque these pipe-lines had followed in finished service the war. Together with the Mulberry ports, constructed after Day D immediately, Operation PLUTO is considered as one of the best examples of the military engineering of history. Pipe-lines HAIS and HAMEL are equally the used flexible precursors of all tuberías in the development of the petroliferous platforms.
Jeep Willys MB DoD dec,16 1942 s/n:196275
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CCKW 353 Banjo 1944 s/n:309623
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