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Bargains still exhist

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:43 pm
by armydriver
Last week I had to make my annual pilgrimidge to East Texas with my wife to visit her relatives. It is always a very painful trip and not anticipated with glee at all. The only bright spot in the whole trip is a small army surplus store that also sells guns. Generally it is an unevenful stop as most of the surplus is foreign junk or hundreds of used BDU's the local militia loves to dress up in and play soldier.
I was quite surprised when I noticed , nestled among the Remingtons, Winchesters and Savage shotguns and hunting rifles a 98K Mauser. I asked to look at the old WWII rifle and as I nervously held it in my hands, I noticed that approximately 80% of the original blue was on the rifle, no stock butcher and even the cleaning rod was still there. The date of 1940 was on the receiver along with the proper Nazi markings. I then picked u0 the little white price tag, hanging on a string from the trigger guard. I almost gasped. $120.00 it proudly announced. The clerk looking at my reaction quicly added that it was not made in the U.S. so that is why it was so cheap but he did have plenty of good old American made rifles ready to bring down that pesky Whitetailed deer.
I said that this was OK and paid him.
I left the store with my new prize.
I may visit East Texas more often now. :D