What a day

Miscellaneous other stuff having to do with Military Vehicles and Trucks....NO POLITICS!

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What a day

Post by armydriver »

My funeral report. What a rush and what a day. It seemed sinful to have so much injoyment at a funeral, but guys it was something else. First you should have seen the looks in the eyes of the MP's at the gate when a full bird colonel, in class A uniform, came driving up in a deuce and a half. I held up traffic for at least two minutes while I provided a brief history lesson to these young pups. Then on to the Gift Chapel, the church on post that was dedicated in 1909 , funds being provided by the people of San Antonio to build the church. You guys would love the stain glass windows. At the top of each one are the crossed sabers, rifles and cannons of the combat branches of the Army.
The body loaded, the slow, in grandmaw, drive of 2 miles to the cemetary and riding in the passanger side, a retired major general that was a good friend of the deceased. We had to provide a ladder to get him into the truck as his eighties and was in his dress blues.
The old truck preformed great and the funeral was a typical military funeral with exception of my truck.
I left the funeral at 1030 hours and went over to my high school, where I teach and got out of the class A and put on jeans and a tee shirt for the 25 mile drive home. Man I was dead last night after getting old Betty Boop undressed and put in the shop to bed.

What a day, something I will always remember. I sure hope the photos come out. It is the first time I have used my wifes digital camera and those fancy computer operated cameras are out of my league. I am used to the old Kodak Brownie. :lol:
52 M38 Willy's
Former owner and restorer of CCKW353 " Betty Boop"

proud father of a career Army officer/Blackhawk pilot/ War in Iraq veteran
Retired high school history teacher at Lt. Colonel Robert G. Cole CMH High School, Fort Sam Houston Texas
proud great grandson of four Confederate soldiers.
great great grandson of a War of 1812 veteran
great great great grandson of 2 American Revolutionary war veterans
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Post by rgus »

That is what this hobby is all about in my humble opinion. We pay respect for the "greatest american generation". That generation suffered the most ( the depression and the war) , fought the hardest, died the most , (other than 1861/65) . and deserve all that we can do to keep their memories alive. They are now dieing at the rate of over 1000 a day. Soon they will all be gone and it is up to us to pick up the torch and never let the future forget what they did for us all. God Bless you for putting a smile on a few of their faces.
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Post by armydriver »

Thanks rgus, and we lost another with the death of Sergeant Lopez CMH here in San Antonio yesterday. :cry:
52 M38 Willy's
Former owner and restorer of CCKW353 " Betty Boop"

proud father of a career Army officer/Blackhawk pilot/ War in Iraq veteran
Retired high school history teacher at Lt. Colonel Robert G. Cole CMH High School, Fort Sam Houston Texas
proud great grandson of four Confederate soldiers.
great great grandson of a War of 1812 veteran
great great great grandson of 2 American Revolutionary war veterans
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