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Operation Cobra - to Ike's Farm, Gettysburg 9/15-9/16

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:03 pm
by bob1942
CONVOY TO IKE's FARM INFO (please feel free to forward)

Want to have more fun with your CCKW? Are you tired of parking it all day at an event, not being able to drive it? Would you like to ride along and participate in a WWII vehicle convoy?

Join the 4th ID MP Platoon for the last phase of OPERATION: COBRA, in the final dash from the Seine to the Rhine. It is late August, early September 1944 and with the collapse of the German front, jubilant troops are anticipating an early end to the war as they liberate villages, drink lots of wine and bivouac in open fields while guarding the Commanding General, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

We will be hosting an Allied ETO Military Vehicle Convoy and camp from Thurmont, MD to the Eisenhower Farm in Gettysburg, PA and back to Thurmont. Join us for the day or the weekend.

Departure from Thurmont is 0915 on the 15th, returning 1745 on the 16th. Registration opens on Saturday at 0700 (see below for more registration info.) Friday night camping is available at the Thurmont start point.

On the way to the farm on Saturday, we'll "liberate" a "French village" where the villagers will pass out French bread, cheese and maybe some wine to the liberators. We'll spend the afternoon and night of the 15th as well as the morning of the 16th at the home of our Commanding General, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Participate in an on-going living history encampment representing the men and women under Ike's command during WWII. The time frame of the convoy/camp will be August/September 1944.

On Sunday, depart from the Eisenhower Site at 1155 to drive through the mountain roads above Thurmont and Frederick. A WWII vet on last year's convoy favorably compared the area to France and Belgium, 1944/1945. These mountain trails are wooded with dirt or gravel roads with the opportunity to ford streams and run through mudholes (which can be by-passed if you choose.) There will be NO ambush.

Your CCKW or ton and a half participation is particularly appreciated for the gear and Reenactors to ride along but all WWII dated Allied motor vehicles are welcome. Individuals or Unit Commanders, please contact me.

If you have a WWII airplane, please feel free to flyover if possible.

Check out the Eisenhower Farm website for more info:

Some Convoy activities include:
-Liberating a "French" town with wine, cheese and bread distributed by the "French" civilians.
-Fording streams (optional)
-Driving on dirt/gravel roads with optional mud holes
-Air Raid/Ambush drills
-NO ambush on Sunday

Some Camp activities include:
-A Baseball Game
-Vehicle Maintenance Program and handout
-Blackout Driving Course Saturday night
-Vehicle Obstacle Course and prizes (TENTATIVE)
-Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday
-Putting tournament (CANCELLED due to resodding of green)

A small $5 fee is requested to pay for the Saturday/Sunday meals, however, vehicle owners eat for free.

There is a Big Band Dance Saturday night Sept. 15, from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm a World War II style USO dance will be held at the US Army Reserve Center at 1200 Fairfield Road (Route 116) west of Gettysburg. The Gettysburg Big Band will perform 1940s big band music. Tickets are $5.00 per person. Living historians encamped at the site are admitted free.

Registration is required. Please pm or email me your;
if you have a vehicle and what type,
if you have extra space in your vehicle for gear and GIs and how much,
if you don't have a vehicle, advise if you need extra space and how much,
who will be participating in the food rations.

Similar info can be found at our website;
under Event Schedule

Your adherence to normal authenticity standards is appreciated.

The convoy isn't for everybody but for anybody who wants to try something different.