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How many are left ?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:38 pm
by Americal'43
Is there any way to find out how many G7117's are still around ? I have seen what I would consider a lot of 1 1/2 ton Dumps around . I have one but I'm throwing around the idea of modifying it to look like an experimental truck I saw in an old picture . I just don't want to go to an MV show and have people say , " oh look another dump truck " . I also don't want people getting upset if I modify a rare truck . All I would be doing is removing the dump bed and replacing it with somthing else . Any input would be helpful . Thank you . John

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:21 pm
by John V Cliche
Hi John
It all depends what part of the country your from.
Here on the east coast ORIGINAL dumps are rare
There are are lots of cab and chassis with no body avail everywhere.
Is yours an original dump or did someone install a hoist under the cargo bed?
From memory something like 90,000 to 100,000 G506s were built
I believe 28.000 were built as cargo w / winch
But only 8,000 were built as dump w / winch
A large majority of those 8,000 were used to build the ALCAN and the CANOIL during WW2 I suspect you probably have one of those survivors given your location.
If you change the truck from it's original configuration you will lesson its value.
What other body do you have in mind?
Anything other than a cargo or dump will require substantial changes.
But in the end it is your truck to do with as you wish.
Hope this helps

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:54 pm
by John V Cliche
Hi John
G7117 is a cargo with winch also has the letters NM on the data plate

G7116 is a dump with winch also has letters NL on the data plate

Which do you have ?


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:00 am
by Americal'43
Hi John , thanks for the information . The Vin# 6NJxxxxxx with a DOD
4 30 42 . If I read the chart correctly at Vehicles of Victory , it's not even supposed to be a dump . Maybe a later add on ? It is the correct dump bed for a '42 . I've tried to post pictures with no luck but I can email .
The reason I've been calling it a G 7117 is that in the book U.S. Military Wheeled Vehicles by Fred W . Crismon , on page 261 he speaks about a G7106 dump truck with winch . It then goes on to say , " The payload of the truck without winch (G7117) was 3,350 pounds ." I guess I misunderstood . So maybe you can help clear up exactly what I do have . The conversion I was thinking of doing has to do with an old photograph my Grandfather showed me . An experimental truck that they took a T-34 'Calliope" rocket launcher that was normaly mounted on a sherman tank and placed it on a stripped down dump . He said you would use the same controls as you would to dump the bed to raise the front of the rockets up . So if I don't have an original dump then that's even more reason for me to consider the conversion .
Again thanks for any help . John

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:32 am
by John V Cliche
Hey John
NJ is a cargo without winch
6 is the assembly plant Oakland Ca.
So your dump is reconfigured
Can you post or E-Mail pics of the hoist especially the pump/cyl area
in an effort to see if it might be an original hoist.
As you know it still could be a depot rebuild.

Hope this helps