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Hey Yo!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:47 pm
by Hennepin
I just joined the message board after breezing through the site over the last couple of days. I got a kick out of the person who said (to paraphrase) "if you have a water bucket, a truck isn't far behind." I don't have a truck, but I do have that bucket.

I'm a WWII reenactor from the Land of the Frozen North: Minnesota. I've been working with the local chapter of the MVPA to get some cross polination so we can put together larger, more in depth events. In the process of talking to people and making connections I hooked up with a museum that has a fair number of WWII vehicles. The curator said that if we provide the wrench work he'll let the squad use the museum's CCKW.

Well, boffers! I don't know jack about restoring a vehicle, but I do know a good deal when I see one. The first thing I did was run a Google search of CCKW to find out more information and, well, here I am. The museum staff will provide most of the expertese, but I'm sure I'll be back to this board on occassion to ask questions about our new adoptee.


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:39 pm
by armydriver
Welcome Todd to the site. This is the place to find the hard to answer questions. Using the water bucket idea, I have a 1941 CCKW Grille and hope that by using it as a decoy, an early truck will follow. :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:40 pm
by armydriver
Oops, ment to say answers to the hard questions. Man being old is hell. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:17 pm
by Craig Schmidt

I am also from MN and an owner of a CCKW. We just had a small convoy a few weeks back to see the fall colors. We were hoping to have a few reenactors come along but they where unable to make it. Maybe we know some of the same people. Send me an email and we can compare notes.


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:30 am
by dr deuce
>I have a 1941 CCKW Grille and hope that by using it as a decoy, an >early truck will follow

I buy the manual, then the vehicle or whatever follows me home. That is how I would up with 32 pieces of WW2 HMV all but 2 having wheels or tracks...

I got a 'deal' on a WW2 CAT D7 manual. Guess what this site owner found for me....


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:28 pm
by Bill_Wolf
dr deuce wrote: Guess what this site owner found for me....
Huh?.....It is still on my list too! ....Oh... so now it's a race.... :lol:



1944 Military Caterpillar D-7 and it know....Parade Ready :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:44 pm
by Hennepin
I love the pictures of the dozer! The squad I'm in represents the 105th Combat Engineers, so any time I see engineer equipment it gets my attention no matter how big or small it may be.

A buddy and I joke that we plan on restoring a jeep some day: "Look, I've got the windshield wiper! The rest can't be too far behind!"

Craig, I'll definitely drop you an email to see if we can't hook up. I've been working for the past year or so to get some cross polination between the MVPA guys and the reenactor yahoos. It seems like it would be a natural to attend each other's events and add some color. Currently we're working on making a signature event in Hastings Minnesota that will be something the Red Bull MVPA chapter, the reginonal reenactors, and a local military museum can all sink their teeth into. It'll be a couple of years in the making, but I think we'll get there.


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:52 pm
by dr deuce
All my HMVs that apply are marked as belonging to the 291 Combat Engineers of Remagen Bridge and Battle of the Bulge fame.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:28 am
by UK Jack
Hi Todd.

Youl have hours of reading in front of you, this site has most of the answers :D

I am afraid that I haven't got a bucket but I am looking around the world for one :cry:

Best wishes.


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:08 pm
by armydriver
Wow, the photos of the old Cat D7 bring back memories. My grandfather bought one from surplus at the Red River Army Depot in 1947 and we used it on his farm until the early 70's when he died and my father sold off all of the old farm equipment. I spent a lot of hours on that old Cat leveling land for irrigation of cotton and soy beans.